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Chapman Hall at Mount Union

Deciding Students


Students–like you—are deciding on majors or careers. 在Mount Union,我们致力于让您塑造自己的大学经历. With our campus community's support, 你会有很多机会和工具来找到你的激情所在.

We offer discovery courses, an introduction to different majors, 量身定制,帮助您探索不同的领域,同时保持毕业的轨道. Plus, 我们的学生成功中心在这里为您提供个性化的指导,帮助您探索各种专业和职业选择.

你也会有很多很棒的机会,比如实习, research projects, employment experiences, and study abroad programs, all geared to help uncover what truly interests you. 所以,保持开放的心态,充分利用联合山所提供的一切!


Mount Union是一个决定学生的地方,像你一样,发现他们的学术道路. With a wide range of programs and resources available, including majors, minors, and extracurricular activities, 你将有机会探索我们校园为你提供的一切. 无论你是否有兴趣加入运动队或参与学生领导的组织, there's something for everyone here. Plus, with personalized guidance from advisors, mentors, and administrators, you'll navigate your academic journey with ease. Together with your peers, 你将根据你的个人兴趣和激情创造一种教育.

  • Admission Process

    让招生办公室帮助你发现你的学术兴趣. 我们提供一系列的活动和参观,旨在帮助犹豫不决的学生探索他们的选择. Our admission counselors serve as connectors for students, assisting them in connecting with various areas of campus. 无论您是想与不同学科的教师或学生交谈, explore resources at the Office of Student Success, or observe a class, we're here to guide you on your academic exploration journey!

    Personalized Campus Visit | 安排一次个性化的访问,与学术兴趣领域的威尼斯人app下载联系. 你可以旁听课程,与教师一对一会面,与职业服务中心聊天.

    Fall Visit Day | 加入我们的秋季访问日,在那里你会听到从教师,学生和工作人员在校园. 在学术资源博览会上探索我们的学术课程,并与教师聊天.

    Academic-Specific Events | Throughout the year, 院系举办活动,让未来的学生了解他们的课程, meet faculty, tour facilities, and connect with current students.

    Admitted Student Day | 在被录取的学生日,体验以联合山综合核心为重点的课堂观察和互动环节.

    View a list of upcoming admission events.

  • Go-To-Raider

    作为一名新生,在你提交押金后,你会被分配到一个Go-To-Raider. 在你过渡到大学生活的过程中,把你的Go-To-Raider当作你的个人向导. 他们在那里回答你的任何问题,并为你提供你可能需要的任何联合山资源.

    Connecting You to Success

    你的Go-To-Raider会帮助你了解校园文化, plan your fall course schedule, and navigate any challenges you may encounter along the way. Whether you prefer communicating through email, phone calls, or even texts, your Go-To-Raider will be there to support you in any way they can.

    Throughout the summer and into the fall semester, 他们会继续联系你,确保你感到自信并做好了准备. 我们的目标是帮助你建立你的时间表和顺利过渡到威尼斯人app下载.

    成为一名Go-To-Raider不仅仅是一个角色——它是一种帮助你成功的承诺. All our Go-To-Raiders undergo specialized training, attend summer Preview sessions, and continue to provide support after the fall semester begins.

  • Integrative Core

    Mount Union's Integrative Core, general education requirements, 设计的方式,让学生找到他们的激情(s),同时发展市场技能. Mount Union的威尼斯人app下载在这里帮助犹豫不决的学生探索和发现新的兴趣领域,让他们接触新的学科, contexts, 在他们学术生涯的早期就开始了他们的文化,并一直走在毕业的道路上.

    Learn More about the Integrative Core

  • Advising

    威尼斯人app下载为学生提供了与顾问和导师见面和交谈的机会,作为他们探索之旅的资源和指导, identifying, and choosing a major that best suits them.

    Go-To-Raiders | Mount Union为所有即将入学的一年级学生提供Go-To-Raider (GTR), a personal guide for transitioning to college life. 从你的秋季计划到威尼斯人app下载,你的GTR都在那里为你服务. 无论是通过电子邮件、电话、短信还是面对面的会议,他们都会支持你的每一步. Trained and dedicated, our GTRs are committed to your success, offering ongoing support beyond the start of the fall semester.

    First-Year or Transfer Seminar (FYS or TRF) Instructors/Mentors | 所有的新生在第一学期都要参加FYS或扶轮基金会的课程. 这些课程的讲师不仅是讲师,而且是导师和学术顾问.

    Raider Guides | Mount Union's Raider Guides, 在新生入学的第一年里与他们一起工作的同伴导师, 是否曾与犹豫不决的学生进行引导性对话,探讨他们的专业选择, 对于你可能遇到的任何问题或在哪里找到校园信息,它们都是极好的资源.

  • Search for a Major

    通过设在学生成功办公室的职业发展办公室, Mount Union offers the Search for a Major program. This program offers coaching, assessments, 以及一个职业建设面试过程,旨在帮助指导有决心的学生和考虑转专业的学生进入符合他们兴趣和激情的专业.

    Learn more about Mount Union's Career Development Office 以及所有帮助你找到你应该走的路的资源.